Our Services
Due Diligence
Due diligence is a process or effort to collect and analyze information before deciding or conducting a transaction, so a party is not held legally liable for any loss or damage. The term applies to many situations but most notably to business transactions. Due diligence is performed by investors who want to minimize risk, broker-dealers who wish to ensure that a party to any transaction is fully informed of the details so that the broker-dealer is not held responsible, and companies who are considering acquiring another firm. Fundamentally, doing your due diligence means that you have gathered the necessary facts to make a wise and informed decision.
Site analysis
Before starting any design, the client will want to know whether construction on the site is viable. Carrying out an extensive site analysis will assess whether development is financially feasible and establish parameters to implement the best design that responds to the site's physical and environmental features. A site analysis is a research activity that looks at the existing conditions of a project site, along with any imminent or potential future conditions. The purpose is to inform the client about a site before starting the design process so that the initial design thinking about a site can incorporate considered responses to the external conditions. When carrying out a site analysis, we endeavor to research as much as possible and collect all available data that relates to the site and design.
Proof of Concept
A practical proof of concept proves the goal of a proposed project is viable and successful. A proof of concept's value is it can help a project manager identify gaps in processes that might interfere with success. It sounds like a simple idea—an investment will not be funded unless it can offer a return—this is very important. If you can't prove a project can work, then there isn't one, to begin with.
Pro Forma Development
A pro forma development is a set of calculations that projects the financial return that a proposed real estate development is likely to create. Simply put, it's a future or projected income statement, or it can even be used to restate financial books unofficially.
Project Management
Project management is the application of methodologies, tools, and processes to plan and execute projects successfully. Project management intelligently uses teams and resources to complete project activities within the boundaries of time, cost, and scope. The client or stakeholder defines the project objective. A project manager uses project management methodologies to create a plan that defines the resource allocation, tasks, milestones, and deliverables necessary to meet the stakeholders' requirements. Projects are often planned, scheduled, executed, and tracked with the help vital tool keeps projects on track and teams productive.
Team Selection
This is the process of collecting individuals with different needs, backgrounds, and expertise and transforming them by various methods into an integrated, effective work unit. In this transformation process, the goals and energies of individual contributors merge and support the team's objectives.
Design Management
Design management encompasses the ongoing processes, business decisions, and strategies that enable innovation and create effectively designed products, services, communications, environments, and brands that enhance our quality of life and provide organizational success. Simply put, design management is the business side of design. Design management allows companies to control their design process better and enhance their internal business processes – cutting out waste and inefficiency in processes may not be visible to the company's clients.
Construction Management
Construction management is a professional service that provides a project's owner(s) with effective management of the project's schedule, cost, quality, safety, scope, and function. Construction management is compatible with all project delivery methods. The construction manager represents the owner's interest and provides oversight over the entire project directly for the owner.
Decommissioning Management
Relocations are faster, more sustainable, cheaper, and more predictable than new builds. Relocating an installation or a complete plant may look like an impossible task. Still, the right company not only makes it possible, but they can also carry out your relocation safely, efficiently, and cost-effectively. Successful decommissioning requires flexible, multidisciplinary teams with dismantling knowledge and the ability to provide traceability and innovative solutions in a constantly changing environment.
Estimating and Budget Development
This is defined as the process of planning and controlling the project cost and budget effectively and efficiently. It defines what costs are required for each deliverable of the project. The accuracy of the cost estimation and budgeting in project management depends on the project scope's accuracy and details, which is the scope baseline. It includes various functions of project management like estimation, job controls, field data collection, scheduling, accounting, and design.
Schedule Development
This is a formal process of developing and approving a schedule by estimating and sequencing activities, durations, and resources according to their dependencies set for the current working environment (e.g., project, business workflow). These tasks grouped together achieve a common goal on a project or program. This process assumes using analysis and prioritization as methods for reviewing estimates of durations, resources, and activities.
Project Financials
Project Financials is a process that brings together planning, budgeting, accounting, financial reporting, internal control, auditing, procurement, disbursement, and the physical performance of the project to manage project resources properly and achieve the project's objectives.
Close Out Document Oversight
A completed and thorough project closeout substantiates that the project has been performed according to the contract documents. All costs have been billed and paid. The project complies with all proper statutes and regulations. The purpose of project closeout is to assess the project, ensure completion, and derive any lessons learned and best practices to be applied to future projects. However, in multi-phase projects, the closeout practice may be applied at various stages of the project; upon deliverable completion, upon phase completion, upon iteration completion, at designated times during the project's life, or at whatever other juncture represents a completed segment of project work.
Construction Loan Monitoring Services
Construction Loan Monitoring evaluates a construction project through pre-construction, bidding and award, site observation, and job completion. Funding of new construction, land development, building renovation, and adaptive re-use of existing properties present unique risks to lending professionals and real estate investors. The organization responsible for this examines documentation, budgets, and work schedules, investigates compliance requirements, prepares on-site progress and observation reports, prepares disbursements, and monitors invoices and draws. The reports are well-organized and make for easier, fact-based risk management decisions.
40-year Recertification
When a building becomes forty years old, county or city code compliance officials send a Notice of Required Inspection to the property owner. Recertification dates are based on the anniversary of the original Building or Structure's Certificate of Occupancy. Property owners have 90 days from the date of notification to have the property properly inspected. The inspection outcome will determine if the property will be recertified for another 10 years or if improvements need to be made before the recertification is granted. If repairs or improvements are needed, owners are given another 60 days to complete them. Non-compliance with the inspection notice or not completing required repairs can result in penalties.